20 replies on “Full Press Conference with Jose Mourinho, Champions League, Real Madrid – Manchester City (English)”

  1. thank god i found this channel. i am a big real madrid fan but my spanish is bad. you’re amazing. keep up the good work!!!!

  2. muchas gracias, no pasa nada los entendemos, yo por mi parte continuare publicitando su canal para que cada vez mas madridistas los sigan pues siguen siendo los UNICOS en youtube donde ver las ruedas de Mou y eso es de agradecerse!!

  3. Thanks! This translation was made by a professional interpreter for Real Madrid. We had the possibility to record either the original version or the translated version, and we chose the latter. Usually, only Champions League press conferences or players’ presentations are offered by Real Madrid in several languages but we always make sure that we provide an English written translation on our website if there is no English audio. So thanks a lot for your kind words!

  4. No lo tenemos en español esta vez, lo siento. Teníamos que elegir entre ambos idiomas (solo nos dejan la opción del idioma en ruedas de Champions, por lo general) y elegimos inglés. Para la próxima, planeamos ir con algo que nos permita grabar ambos idiomas a la vez, pero ayer no pudimos. 

  5. Sorry RockStar, this time around, we only have it in English. We had to choose between both languages and we chose English for once (we’re only given the choice of language in Champions League press conferences usually). Next time they give us the choice, we plan on coming with the equipment that will enable us to record both languages, but this time around, we couldn’t. Sorry. Anything in particular that’s unclear to you and you would like a clarification in Spanish?

  6. I love that you guys take the time to translate these, one of a kind channel! never stop 🙂

  7. THANK YOU GUYS THANK YOU THANK YOU THAAANK YOOOOOU. would love it if you uploaded every press conference

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